Service Availability Report
Last Updated: Sat Feb 15 10:07:14 UTC 2025
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.14 -
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Service 'Check proxies for oversubscription' On Host ''

Availability Report
01-21-2025 08:09:59 to 01-22-2025 08:09:59
Duration: 1d 0h 0m 0s
First assumed service state:
Report period:Backtracked archives:
[ Availability report completed in 0 min 0 sec ]

Service State Breakdowns:

Service State Trends

StateType / ReasonTime% Total Time% Known Time
OKUnscheduled1d 0h 0m 0s100.000%100.000%
Scheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Total1d 0h 0m 0s100.000%100.000%
WARNINGUnscheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Scheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Total0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
UNKNOWNUnscheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Scheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Total0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
CRITICALUnscheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Scheduled0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
Total0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%0.000%
UndeterminedNagios Not Running0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%
Insufficient Data0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%
Total0d 0h 0m 0s0.000%
AllTotal1d 0h 0m 0s100.000%100.000%

Service Log Entries:
[ View condensed log entries ]
Event Start TimeEvent End TimeEvent DurationEvent/State TypeEvent/State Information
01-17-2025 00:00:0001-17-2025 21:37:050d 21h 37m 5sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-17-2025 21:37:0501-17-2025 21:37:050d 0h 0m 0sPROGRAM ENDNormal program termination
01-17-2025 21:37:0501-17-2025 21:37:050d 0h 0m 0sPROGRAM ENDNormal program termination
01-17-2025 21:37:0501-18-2025 00:00:000d 2h 22m 55sPROGRAM (RE)STARTProgram start
01-18-2025 00:00:0001-19-2025 00:00:001d 0h 0m 0sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.01% subscribed. 2 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-19-2025 00:00:0001-20-2025 00:00:001d 0h 0m 0sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.01% subscribed. 2 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-20-2025 00:00:0001-21-2025 00:00:001d 0h 0m 0sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-21-2025 00:00:0001-22-2025 00:00:001d 0h 0m 0sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 1 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-22-2025 00:00:0001-23-2025 02:27:311d 2h 27m 31sSERVICE OK (HARD)HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 1 current of 20480 maxconn.
01-23-2025 02:27:3101-22-2025 08:09:591158050440d 12h 42PROGRAM ENDNormal program termination