Current Network Status
Last Updated: Mon Jul 1 05:51:07 GMT 2024
Updated every 90 seconds
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.9 -
Logged in as guest
Host Status Totals
Up Down Unreachable Pending
1 0 0 0
All Problems All Types
0 1
Service Status Totals
Ok Warning Unknown Critical Pending
5 0 0 0 0
All Problems All Types
0 5
Display Filters:
Host Status Types: Up
Host Properties:Any
Service Status Types:All
Service Properties:Any
Service Status Details For Host Group 'fedmsg_ircs_stg'
Entries sorted by attempt number (descending)

Host Sort by host name (ascending)Sort by host name (descending)Service Sort by service name (ascending)Sort by service name (descending)Status Sort by service status (ascending)Sort by service status (descending)Last Check Sort by last check time (ascending)Sort by last check time (descending)Duration Sort by state duration (ascending)Sort by state duration time (descending)Attempt Sort by current attempt (ascending)Sort by current attempt (descending)Status Information
Disk Space /boot
OK 07-01-2024 05:27:54 510d 4h 27m 19s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /boot 215 MiB (42.53% inode=100%): 
OK 07-01-2024 05:36:01 382d 10h 21m 44s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: / 20736 MiB (75.61% inode=100%): 
Rsyslogd Process
OK 07-01-2024 05:42:13 47d 6h 22m 14s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'rsyslogd' 
OK 07-01-2024 05:47:46 47d 6h 22m 24s 1/4 SWAP OK - 100% free (2046 MB out of 2047 MB) 
OK 07-01-2024 05:42:44 47d 6h 22m 24s 1/7 0 mail(s) in queue 

Results 1 - 5 of 5 Matching Services