Current Network Status
Last Updated: Tue Jul 2 08:19:57 GMT 2024
Updated every 90 seconds
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.9 -
Logged in as guest
Host Status Totals
Up Down Unreachable Pending
28 0 0 0
All Problems All Types
0 28
Service Status Totals
Ok Warning Unknown Critical Pending
700 0 0 1 0
All Problems All Types
1 701
Display Filters:
Host Status Types: Pending | Up
Host Properties:Any
Service Status Types: Ok
Service Properties:Any
Service Status Details For Host Group 'fedmsg_services'
Entries sorted by attempt number (descending)

Host Sort by host name (ascending)Sort by host name (descending)Service Sort by service name (ascending)Sort by service name (descending)Status Sort by service status (ascending)Sort by service status (descending)Last Check Sort by last check time (ascending)Sort by last check time (descending)Duration Sort by state duration (ascending)Sort by state duration time (descending)Attempt Sort by current attempt (ascending)Sort by current attempt (descending)Status Information
Check datanommer for recent ansible messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:10:24 11d 9h 0m 34s 1/3 OK: last ansible message was 0 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent badges messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:16:16 2d 15h 33m 42s 1/3 OK: last badges message was 143 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent bodhi compose messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:14:54 20d 13h 55m 3s 1/3 OK: last message was 28851 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent bodhi messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:23 11d 9h 5m 34s 1/3 OK: last bodhi message was 59 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent bugzilla messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:24 20d 13h 51m 32s 1/3 OK: last bugzilla message was 769 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent buildsys/koji messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:10:53 11d 8h 50m 6s 1/3 OK: last buildsys message was 21 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent compose messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:47 9d 8h 1m 12s 1/3 OK: last compose message was 11085 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent copr finished build messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:14 11d 8h 22m 43s 1/3 OK: last copr message was 8 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent fedimg messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:20 11d 8h 50m 37s 1/3 OK: last fedimg message was 4534 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent fedocal messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:10:58 3d 6h 50m 1s 1/3 OK: last fedocal message was 29455 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent fedoraplanet messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:59 0d 5h 54m 59s 1/3 OK: last planet message was 376439 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent fmn messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:05 0d 5h 43m 52s 1/3 OK: last fmn message was 388361 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent git messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:51 11d 8h 52m 3s 1/3 OK: last git message was 21 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent github messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:30 0d 5h 55m 28s 1/3 OK: last github message was 0 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent hotness messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:16:16 1d 6h 54m 41s 1/3 OK: last hotness message was 20333 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent kerneltest messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:15 1d 6h 48m 43s 1/3 OK: last kerneltest message was 36093 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent mdapi messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:13:03 0d 14h 56m 54s 1/3 OK: last mdapi message was 3022 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent meetbot messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:14:02 1d 6h 47m 7s 1/3 OK: last meetbot message was 804 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent resultsdb messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:48 11d 8h 22m 9s 1/3 OK: last resultsdb message was 35 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent rpm sign messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:14:17 3d 0h 35m 41s 1/3 OK: last message was 61 seconds ago 
Check datanommer for recent wiki messages
OK 07-02-2024 08:10:26 11d 9h 0m 31s 1/3 OK: last wiki message was 13035 seconds ago 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:43 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers relay
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:19 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:13 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:42 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check fedmsg-relay consumers backlog
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:48 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer RelayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-relay consumers exceptions
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:45 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer RelayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:21 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'fedmsg-gateway', UID = 995 (fedmsg) 
Check for fedmsg-hub proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:12 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'fedmsg-hub', UID = 995 (fedmsg) 
Check for fedmsg-relay proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:44 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'fedmsg-relay', UID = 995 (fedmsg) 
Disk Space /boot
OK 07-02-2024 07:50:31 384d 11h 5m 57s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /boot 289 MiB (56.92% inode=100%): 
OK 07-02-2024 07:54:54 384d 11h 5m 57s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: / 13060 MiB (74.94% inode=99%): 
Rsyslogd Process
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:23 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'rsyslogd' 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:41 47d 14h 11m 46s 1/4 SWAP OK - 100% free (2047 MB out of 2047 MB) 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:44 47d 14h 7m 52s 1/7 0 mail(s) in queue
Check fedmsg consumers and producers hub
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:18 411d 7h 2m 36s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-hub consumers backlog
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:41 320d 7h 43m 49s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer FedimgConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-hub consumers exceptions
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:48 320d 7h 48m 16s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer FedimgConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for fedmsg-hub proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:47 411d 7h 2m 36s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'fedmsg-hub', UID = 995 (fedmsg) 
Disk Space /boot
OK 07-02-2024 08:07:52 411d 6h 58m 38s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /boot 289 MiB (56.93% inode=100%): 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:16 411d 6h 58m 44s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: / 11117 MiB (63.79% inode=99%): 
Rsyslogd Process
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:47 411d 7h 7m 3s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'rsyslogd' 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:47 411d 7h 7m 36s 1/4 SWAP OK - 97% free (1980 MB out of 2047 MB) 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:42 411d 7h 2m 36s 1/7 0 mail(s) in queue
Check read-only filesystem
OK 07-02-2024 08:13:12 47d 10h 6m 44s 1/3 OK 
Disk Space /boot
OK 07-02-2024 07:52:08 384d 11h 18m 53s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /boot 207 MiB (40.98% inode=100%): 
Disk space /srv/cache/lookaside
OK 07-02-2024 07:56:31 173d 16h 37m 10s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /srv/cache/lookaside 1243931 MiB (21.69% inode=88%): 
OK 07-02-2024 08:04:23 229d 7h 56m 36s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: / 185484 MiB (37.30% inode=88%): 
Rsyslogd Process
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:01 47d 10h 31m 13s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'rsyslogd' 
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:27 1d 2h 5m 45s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 32714 bytes in 0.153 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:45 47d 10h 28m 19s 1/7 0 mail(s) in queue
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-02-2024 07:35:06 33d 10h 44m 51s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 111 seconds old and 243755567 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-02-2024 07:38:24 33d 10h 41m 33s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 1208 seconds old and 243758094 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-02-2024 07:33:29 11d 22h 46m 28s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 1933 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:46 316d 16h 35m 4s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:04 229d 11h 44m 14s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:47 316d 16h 35m 4s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:45 316d 16h 36m 47s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 437 (fedmsg) 
Check ostree summary age
OK 07-02-2024 07:17:28 643d 7h 36m 12s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/web/ostree/summary is 147 seconds old and 31784 bytes 
Check proxies for oversubscription
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:47 316d 16h 41m 50s 1/3 HAPROXY SUBS OK: 1.20% subscribed. 246 current of 20480 maxconn. 
Disk Space /boot
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:30 650d 12h 26m 23s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: /boot 252 MiB (55.87% inode=99%): 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:25 316d 16h 53m 28s 1/3 DISK OK - free space: / 53511 MiB (59.93% inode=88%): 
Rsyslogd Process
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:45 316d 16h 35m 12s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'rsyslogd' 
Varnish Process
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:01 247d 23h 12m 10s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'varnishd', UID = 439 (varnish) 
OK 07-02-2024 08:18:14 4d 18h 36m 42s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1227 bytes in 0.558 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:16:10 0d 7h 59m 55s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 14236 bytes in 0.021 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:18 0d 7h 56m 39s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 14236 bytes in 0.022 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:42 49d 22h 57m 12s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 20313 bytes in 0.013 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:12 25d 21h 45m 28s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 475 bytes in 0.001 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:13 25d 21h 45m 29s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 419 bytes in 0.001 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:16 10d 2h 36m 43s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18583 bytes in 0.104 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:13 10d 2h 40m 44s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 42163 bytes in 0.181 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:14:54 11d 8h 21m 2s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 598 bytes in 0.032 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:57 11d 8h 57m 0s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 1381 bytes in 0.016 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:14:54 11d 9h 1m 3s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 29143 bytes in 0.023 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:12 22d 18h 41m 21s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5428 bytes in 0.019 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:31 1d 5h 33m 27s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 97263 bytes in 0.392 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:13 25d 21h 45m 29s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11574 bytes in 0.012 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:47 47d 10h 52m 0s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 538 bytes in 0.013 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:13 47d 9h 30m 7s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18460 bytes in 0.026 second response time 
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:40 11d 8h 11m 19s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5553 bytes in 0.127 second response time
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:43 49d 22h 57m 52s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '*' will expire in 150 days on 2024-11-29 23:59 +0000/GMT.
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:04 49d 22h 57m 49s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '*' will expire in 150 days on 2024-11-29 23:59 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:17:27 34d 11h 22m 28s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 55 days on 2024-08-26 19:55 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:42 72d 20h 11m 21s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '*' will expire in 198 days on 2025-01-16 23:59 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:41 49d 22h 52m 41s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 45 days on 2024-08-17 02:24 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:42 49d 22h 52m 39s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 45 days on 2024-08-17 02:24 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:05 49d 22h 52m 37s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 45 days on 2024-08-17 02:24 +0000/GMT.
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:43 49d 23h 0m 10s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '*' will expire in 150 days on 2024-11-29 23:59 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:43 49d 22h 52m 40s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 45 days on 2024-08-17 02:24 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:48 66d 17h 11m 19s 1/3 SSL OK - Certificate '' will expire in 29 days on 2024-07-31 10:33 +0000/GMT. 
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:48 316d 16h 5m 51s 1/7 0 mail(s) in queue mirrorlist docker container
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:04 229d 11h 44m 14s 1/3 TCP OK - 0.000 second response time on localhost port 18081 
OK 07-02-2024 08:15:21 47d 9h 4m 38s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.55 ms
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-02-2024 07:24:24 33d 14h 55m 33s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 369 seconds old and 243758094 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-02-2024 07:51:22 33d 10h 28m 36s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 1986 seconds old and 243758094 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-02-2024 06:20:05 11d 21h 59m 52s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 1127 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:44 47d 12h 59m 41s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:47 47d 12h 58m 57s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-02-2024 08:12:45 111d 7h 33m 34s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-02-2024 08:19:05 111d 8h 6m 5s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 438 (fedmsg) 
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