Current Network Status
Last Updated: Wed Jul 3 04:32:42 GMT 2024
Updated every 90 seconds
Nagios® Core™ 4.4.9 -
Logged in as guest
Host Status Totals
Up Down Unreachable Pending
282 0 0 0
All Problems All Types
0 282
Service Status Totals
Ok Warning Unknown Critical Pending
1396 1 0 1 0
All Problems All Types
2 1398
Display Filters:
Host Status Types:All
Host Properties:Any
Service Status Types: Ok
Service Properties:Any
Service Status Details For Host Group 'virt_guest'
Entries sorted by attempt number (descending)

Host Sort by host name (ascending)Sort by host name (descending)Service Sort by service name (ascending)Sort by service name (descending)Status Sort by service status (ascending)Sort by service status (descending)Last Check Sort by last check time (ascending)Sort by last check time (descending)Duration Sort by state duration (ascending)Sort by state duration time (descending)Attempt Sort by current attempt (ascending)Sort by current attempt (descending)Status Information
OK 07-03-2024 04:24:35 4d 8h 49m 11s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 89.23 ms
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 22d 8h 5m 39s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 494 seconds old and 243188138 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 22d 8h 5m 39s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 494 seconds old and 243188138 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:10 12d 18h 3m 32s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 1663 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 16d 19h 5m 39s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:05 16d 19h 5m 39s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:02 16d 19h 5m 40s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 16d 19h 5m 39s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 437 (fedmsg) 
Check ostree summary age
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 22d 6h 5m 39s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/web/ostree/summary is 722 seconds old and 31784 bytes 
Check proxies for oversubscription
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:03 16d 19h 5m 39s 1/3 HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn. 
Varnish Process
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:33 11d 18h 24m 9s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'varnishd', UID = 439 (varnish)
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:14 16d 19h 10m 29s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 20308 bytes in 1.285 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:55 16d 19h 10m 27s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 475 bytes in 0.506 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 11d 18h 25m 28s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 413 bytes in 0.511 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:18 11d 18h 30m 26s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18584 bytes in 2.074 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:01 10d 22h 49m 45s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 42215 bytes in 2.371 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:21 12d 4h 24m 23s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 29140 bytes in 2.297 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:12 16d 19h 10m 28s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5425 bytes in 1.539 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:13 0d 2h 42m 32s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 94512 bytes in 2.927 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:54 11d 18h 33m 48s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11562 bytes in 0.523 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:14 16d 19h 10m 28s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 535 bytes in 1.529 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:57 11d 18h 33m 48s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 16604 bytes in 1.975 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:30 12d 4h 52m 16s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5890 bytes in 1.939 second response time mirrorlist docker container
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:33 11d 18h 24m 9s 1/3 TCP OK - 0.000 second response time on localhost port 18081 
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:17 0d 9h 44m 31s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 258.34 ms
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 03:00:51 34d 5h 31m 51s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 767 seconds old and 243202272 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 02:40:54 18d 13h 52m 54s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 1251 seconds old and 243320997 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-03-2024 04:16:37 12d 18h 16m 6s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 911 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:00 44d 7h 25m 47s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-03-2024 04:25:21 16d 13h 28m 33s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:04 11d 18h 24m 38s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-03-2024 04:24:48 11d 18h 28m 58s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 438 (fedmsg) 
Check ostree summary age
OK 07-03-2024 02:33:34 145d 1h 59m 8s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/web/ostree/summary is 212 seconds old and 31784 bytes 
Check proxies for oversubscription
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:43 145d 8h 52m 37s 1/3 HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn. 
Varnish Process
OK 07-03-2024 04:25:41 44d 7h 18m 22s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'varnishd', UID = 440 (varnish)
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:46 11d 18h 31m 58s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 20308 bytes in 1.167 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:54 11d 15h 28m 48s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 475 bytes in 0.470 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:58 14d 14h 5m 44s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 414 bytes in 0.470 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:18 5d 13h 10m 30s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18579 bytes in 1.953 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:28 5d 12h 25m 21s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 42215 bytes in 2.275 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:30:33 0d 21h 58m 24s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 29140 bytes in 2.174 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:46 5d 12h 10m 2s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5425 bytes in 1.428 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:31 0d 2h 42m 14s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 94564 bytes in 2.739 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 11d 18h 30m 28s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11561 bytes in 0.479 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:21 11d 18h 29m 20s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 535 bytes in 1.438 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:09 8d 15h 7m 36s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 16604 bytes in 1.869 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:54 6d 13h 58m 53s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5890 bytes in 1.821 second response time mirrorlist docker container
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:42 17d 3h 11m 1s 1/3 TCP OK - 0.000 second response time on localhost port 18081 
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:45 0d 21h 29m 57s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 253.84 ms
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 03:00:55 34d 5h 31m 46s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 771 seconds old and 243202272 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 03:05:19 34d 5h 27m 23s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 2716 seconds old and 243320997 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-03-2024 04:16:29 12d 18h 16m 13s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 903 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 353d 3h 39m 17s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:45 384d 9h 15m 43s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:43 64d 21h 14m 29s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:45 384d 9h 15m 26s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 437 (fedmsg) 
Check ostree summary age
OK 07-03-2024 03:05:35 445d 23h 40m 56s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/web/ostree/summary is 333 seconds old and 31784 bytes 
Check proxies for oversubscription
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:44 230d 9h 6m 40s 1/3 HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn. 
Varnish Process
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:12 381d 4h 47m 45s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'varnishd', UID = 439 (varnish)
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:41 48d 7h 31m 47s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 20308 bytes in 1.094 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:43 230d 7h 18m 39s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 475 bytes in 0.435 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:42 230d 7h 18m 40s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 413 bytes in 0.444 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:16 10d 22h 59m 28s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18584 bytes in 1.885 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:24 10d 22h 51m 22s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 42221 bytes in 2.116 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:08 12d 5h 2m 37s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 29140 bytes in 2.005 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 21d 18h 39m 1s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5425 bytes in 1.347 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:41 4d 2h 5m 4s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 95461 bytes in 2.533 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:42 48d 7h 31m 50s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11561 bytes in 0.444 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:55 48d 5h 17m 43s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 535 bytes in 1.339 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:11 48d 5h 19m 34s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 16604 bytes in 1.777 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:54 12d 4h 33m 48s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5890 bytes in 1.703 second response time mirrorlist docker container
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:48 362d 4h 25m 14s 1/3 TCP OK - 0.000 second response time on localhost port 18081 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:14 19d 9h 41m 47s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 221.70 ms
Check MirrorList 1 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 03:00:51 34d 5h 31m 51s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist1/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 767 seconds old and 243202272 bytes 
Check MirrorList 2 Cache
OK 07-03-2024 03:05:16 34d 5h 27m 26s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/mirrorlist/data/mirrorlist2/mirrorlist_cache.proto is 2713 seconds old and 243320997 bytes 
Check TicketKey age
OK 07-03-2024 04:16:22 12d 18h 16m 20s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /etc/httpd/ticketkey_production.tkey is 899 seconds old and 48 bytes 
Check fedmsg consumers and producers gateway
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:47 248d 14h 27m 8s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer(s) and producer(s) initialized 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers backlog
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:49 15d 4h 9m 54s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer backlog value is 0 
Check fedmsg-gateway consumers exceptions
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:43 15d 4h 9m 55s 1/3 OK: fedmsg consumer GatewayConsumer exceptions value is 0 
Check for existence fedmsg-gateway proc
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:42 15d 4h 9m 57s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with regex args 'fedmsg-gateway-3', UID = 438 (fedmsg) 
Check ostree summary age
OK 07-03-2024 03:05:36 613d 13h 17m 22s 1/3 FILE_AGE OK: /srv/web/ostree/summary is 335 seconds old and 31784 bytes 
Check proxies for oversubscription
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 33d 23h 2m 41s 1/3 HAPROXY SUBS OK: 0.00% subscribed. 0 current of 20480 maxconn. 
Varnish Process
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:43 15d 4h 9m 58s 1/3 PROCS OK: 1 process with command name 'varnishd', UID = 440 (varnish)
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 15d 4h 13m 18s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 20308 bytes in 0.600 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:14 15d 4h 13m 18s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 302 Found - 475 bytes in 0.233 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:40 15d 4h 9m 59s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 414 bytes in 0.231 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:19 10d 22h 50m 24s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 18572 bytes in 1.049 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:29:18 10d 22h 54m 26s 1/10 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 42226 bytes in 1.211 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:31:53 12d 4h 21m 52s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 29140 bytes in 1.172 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:28:20 15d 4h 9m 22s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5425 bytes in 0.709 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:32 2d 1h 46m 12s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 94324 bytes in 1.479 second response time
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:48 15d 4h 14m 53s 1/3 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 11561 bytes in 0.241 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:12 15d 4h 15m 42s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 535 bytes in 0.712 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:27:56 15d 4h 14m 45s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 16604 bytes in 0.974 second response time 
OK 07-03-2024 04:30:19 12d 4h 48m 24s 1/8 HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 5890 bytes in 0.957 second response time mirrorlist docker container
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 384d 9h 17m 45s 1/3 TCP OK - 0.000 second response time on localhost port 18081 
OK 07-03-2024 04:25:23 15d 4h 7m 19s 1/3 PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 116.31 ms
Check bus cluster
OK 07-03-2024 04:26:55 48d 5h 45m 46s 1/3 RABBITMQ_CLUSTER OK - All nodes are running 
Check bus cluster connections
OK 07-03-2024 04:32:13 711d 19h 45m 38s 1/3 RABBITMQ_CONNECTIONS OK - connections OK (342) connections_notrunning OK (2) receive_rate OK (39036) send_rate OK (210156) 
Check bus cluster overview
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:43 376d 8h 34m 23s 1/3 RABBITMQ_OVERVIEW OK - messages OK (136007) messages_ready OK (135897) messages_unacknowledged OK (110) 
Check bus exchanges in /public_pubsub
OK 07-03-2024 04:22:42 580d 6h 16m 17s 1/3 RABBITMQ_EXCHANGE OK - confirm_avg_rate OK (0.000000) publish_in_avg_rate OK (10044.095000) publish_out_avg_rate OK (47353.128333) 
<< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
13 14 > >>

Results 1100 - 1200 of 1396 Matching Services